
Showing posts from April, 2015
Spelling Words April 27- May 1st auto autour autre beau chapeau jaune gauche tableau faute pauvre
Here is our song "Celebration" that we sang with 3M for the Volunteer Tea.  Students did AMAZING!!! :)

Measurement fun :)

3R had the chance to discover the measurement of objects they found outside.  Using a ruler they were to measure 15 different objects.

Spelling Words April 20-April 23

Branches Inches Bunches Watches Peaches Cheek Child Machine Mustache Brochure
Friday afternoon was a beautiful day outside, therefore during Art... we went outside and used chalk to show our creativeness.  Here is 3R working hard at creating  funny and beautiful Art outside :)
Dictée Words April 13- April 17 Odeur Fleur Joueur Valeur Soeur Chaleur Longeur Heur Hauteur Largeur